What makes me different?

I give hope and empower women to make healthy choices in every aspect of life. A healthy lifestyle refers to good health and wellness in areas of nutrition, physical and mental health. I support women pre-conception, during pregnancy, and postpartum with exercise and nutritional support as well as emotional support to help moms with the hormonal changes experienced during pregnancy.


Personal Training

As your personal trainer, I am able to support you in several different ways. I have 3 different options when it comes to training but the commonality among them all is that I still write a fitness program designed to get you to your goal. The differences are in how I support you following your program. The first option is traditional in-person training. We schedule as many sessions a week as you desire and I Physically take you through each workout, The second option is the most common and allows me to train you anywhere in the world. Virtual training is extremely beneficial because I can coach and queue you live and hold you accountable to complete your workouts. The third option is the least expensive and gives you the most flexibility in your schedule. Training off of my app will give you video demos of each exercise in your program and the ability to get it done at whatever time of day works best. With all of my training options, I will have you complete an initial fitness assessment to determine your current health and fitness level. The assessment will provide all the important information needed to properly instruct in areas of exercise and nutrition. I will then work with you to design a fitness program to meet your specific health needs and desires.

The goal of a workout program is to increase neuromuscular efficiency and improve overall health and fitness. During Phases 1 & 3: Pre & Post Pregnancy, goals such as weight loss, hypertrophy, and max strength or speed & agility are acceptable. During Phase 2: Pregnancy, the optimal health of the mom and development of the fetus becomes our main priority. I will help each woman set SMART goals (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely) to ensure safety and success for both mom and baby.

Personal Training can be whatever you want and need. Choose how you want to workout, With me in-person, Virtually, or on your own following a custom workout.

Option 1: In-Person Training

*8630 E Via de Ventura #101 Scottsdale, AZ 85258*

Option 2: Virtual Training


Option 3: Fitness App (training on your own)

*NASM Edge App*

The benefits of having a fitness professional’s eyes locked on you during an exercise are abundant. They can correct your form in live time through verbal and physical cues. They are able to pump you up to begin the program and keep you focused, motivated, and determined to not only complete the workout but give it your best effort as well. They will stop you from continuing harmful movement patterns and modify your intensity according to your response to exercise. They are physically there to offer support where you need it most.

The benefits of having a fitness professional’s eyes locked on you during an exercise are abundant. They can correct your form in live time through verbal and physical cues. They are able to pump you up to begin the program and keep you focused, motivated, and determined to not only complete the workout but give it your best effort as well. They will stop you from continuing harmful movement patterns and modify your intensity according to your response to exercise. They are physically there to offer support where you need it most.

In-Person Personal Training

  • FREE Consultation

  • Initial & Monthly Fitness Assessments (Zoom)

Full body pictures, weight, measurements, static, dynamic, strength and cardio assessments

Results from monthly fitness assessments determine if you progress to a new phase in program or if more time is needed for your body to adapt to excersises .

  • A customized fitness program designed to achieve optimal health and fitness goals.

  • Cardio regimen

  • Weekly in-person sessions for accountability, motivation, support, and guidance.

Virtual Personal Training

  • FREE consultation

  • Initial & Monthly Fitness Assessments (Zoom)

Full body pictures, weight, measurements, static, dynamic, strength and cardio assessments

Results from monthly fitness assessments determine if you progress to a new phase in program or if more time is needed for your body to adapt to excersises .

  • A customized fitness program designed to achieve optimal health and fitness goals.

  • Cardio regimen

  • Weekly Virtual personal training sessions (Zoom) for accountability, motivation, support, and guidance.

The convenience of having your fitness and nutrition program accessible on an app downloaded to your phone is unmeasurable. Some women have crazy busy schedules and although they typically complete their workouts on each specified day, there’s not really a consistent time they’re able to get it done. And that’s okay. Do it when you can and where you can. Whether you’re at the gym, at home, on vacation, or craving an outdoor workout you can have access to video demonstrations of each exercise in your program.

The convenience of having your fitness and nutrition program accessible on an app downloaded to your phone is unmeasurable. Some women have crazy busy schedules and although they typically complete their workouts on each specified day, there’s not really a consistent time they’re able to get it done. And that’s okay. Do it when you can and where you can. Whether you’re at the gym, at home, on vacation, or craving an outdoor workout you can have access to video demonstrations of each exercise in your program.

Fitness App (Training on your own)

  • FREE consultation

  • Initial & Monthly Fitness Assessments

Full body pictures, weight, measurements, static, dynamic, strength and cardio assessments

Results from monthly fitness assessments determine if you progress to a new phase in program or if more time is needed for your body to adapt to excersises .

  • A customized fitness program designed to achieve optimal health and fitness goals.

  • Cardio regimen

  • Weekly Workouts uploaded to the app for accountability, motivation, support, and guidance.

Schedule your FREE consultation TODAY!

Zoom Fit by Nicky class.JPG

Virtual Group Classes

If you would love to get in shape but don’t have the funds to hire a personal trainer to design a fitness program specifically for you then my Group Fitness Classes might be exactly what you need. For only $20/class, you can join my online zoom fitness classes every morning at 7 am MST for a great full-body workout. No fitness equipment is needed besides a water bottle and a sweat towel.


With Nicky as your personal trainer and nutrition coach, you will receive…

Incredible results

Knowledge to maintain a healthy lifestyle

Excellent customer service


  • VIP Email List

  • Private Facebook Group

  • #MFQueens


Nicky Bustamante

Pre- Postnatal Fitness & Nutrition specialist, Fitness Model, Spokesmodel and mom.